...Dump him already!We all know that friend... or a few friends... who should've dumped who they're with about 9 years before it even started. They've put up with this soul-destroying succubus... god knows why it's not like they're getting any slice of happiness out of it anyway!
Or... maybe you're the one drowning in a relationship more dysfunctional than that Teen Mom show. Problem is, when you're in it it's hard to see it. Here's a few signs that you need out... NOW.
#1. The "Hoover Maneuver"
I think we've all seen this one... you don't even have to be dating the freakin' person sometimes! Maybe you feel like it isn't going anywhere because your brain is trying to get you to realize how much of a loser this person is. So... you start distancing yourself. Mr. (or Ms.) Hoover realizes you're pushing away and BAM! everything changes. Suddenly they're attentive and telling you things they used to all over again. They want to go out and actually spend time with you... for this week at least. What a fun game...are you really going to spend (or waste!) your time playing?

Just so you're aware, if you're experiencing this odds are your relationship is teetering on the lines of being abusive... that is, if it hasn't already completely blown past that line. It's like dating Hitler... he tells you what to wear, who to see, who you can be (or not be) friends with, when to call him, when you'll be free... the list goes on. The big question here is WHY!? I feel like we shouldn't even be having this discussion! How much of a loser does it take to feel the need to control every little aspect of your life like that?! People seriously put up with that? Punch him in the face and leave him on his ass, which in this case is equivalent to his face.
#3. Comparison Games
We're humans... which means we're all a little insecure about something. I don't get why people don't realize that the person you're with shouldn't be adding to your insecurities. If he or she says "oh his/her ass is so much nicer than yours", the ball is in your court. This is like a "get out of shitty relationship free" card. Why on earth stay with someone who thinks the world is better than you are?
#4. Your Friends Hate Him/Her
Listen to your friends! They know you... they've been there through the good and the ugly. If they say you're unhappy or he doesn't treat you well... get out! Don't waste your energy trying to prove them wrong. When you're happy it radiates to everyone around you! It doesn't take effort to show it. If he doesn't hang out with your friends, doesn't like your friends, or doesn't want you around his friends... get out.
#5. You Have Different Values
You're serious enough to talk about important things... a house, a career, kids. He wants 9 kids, a huge house and all while you work for all the money. You don't want kids, don't think a huge house is necessary and think both of you need an income. Sometimes opposites attract but not here people! If you both want completely different things out of life it's just not going to work out... especially if he lacks so much ambition he wants you to be the only one working for it.
There's so much more to life, and so many more people than the retard you're wasting your life away on! Move on to something better... someone who won't do all the crap listed above. Someone WORTH the time and energy you put in, who won't make you feel like worthless and ugly. Your goal is relationship... not relationSHIT!
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