Thursday, March 14, 2013

3 Reasons Why Women Suck (not in the good way)

25 years is plenty of time to observe (probably too in-depth) the differences between men and women.  I've learned it's not hard to see that we're wired very differently. For example, men have 5 main thoughts: food, beer, sex, video games, sleep.  While these might repeat several times in any given order... they don't necessarily change. Women on the other hand...
Are far different, and here's why you don't need them.
Disclaimer:  this, of course, applies to excessive amounts of female friends.  this does not apply to your mom, grand mom, aunt, sister, wife or girlfriend... unless you choose to apply it that way ;)

1.  Women talk - and talk and talk and talk... Even as a female I have friends who want to talk on the phone or want to be on Skype or text and text and text.  For my really REALLY close friends this is okay.  But for everyone else, there's too much shit to do to sit and talk on the phone for hours... to your cat instead and don't pretend like you don't already do that!

2.  Women are catty - women know what they want and won't hesitate to rip someone's throat out, destroy friendships, annihilate relationships, use, abuse, manipulate, get drunk, max out credit cards, wear 3 inches of makeup, pretend they have bigger boobs, slash the tires of the girl who says "hi" to their boyfriend... to get whatever it is they want. If you're the adventurous type you might welcome this... for everyone else, grab a beer with some guys, talk about boobs and relax a bit. Act like a cat around other pussies, not around friends.

3. Women are emotional - and remember everything in regards to what he said to her when, where they were when he said it, and when she's going to chop of his nuts for saying it. Women are moody... in the sense where one hour we could be happier than a bird with a french fry.  Next hour, they could want to kill every living thing around them.  Five minutes later, they're sobbing because "like omg how could they have such evil thoughts".  Ugh... pick an emotion and stick with it for a little bit!  Having a bad day? That's ok!  Have your bad day and have a better one tomorrow.


1 comment:

  1. don't hate women. both sexes aren't perfect. each and every human been is ain't perfect we all have fails beside the good qualities, as like your self and that is okay. respect others for who they are and don't live with hate and negativity. quit with people with whom you can't go along with or give boundries of what you can do and allow. cause you're the reason why you got your issues with women. respect yourself and others will respect you too. live in positivity and peace. take care.
