Friday, March 22, 2013

In The News: ObamaCare's Shocking Facts

We might be "out of the recession" but with continuing crippled finances and hard times, the US might be in for a big surprise. While initially it seemed promising with many benefits, ObamaCare will create shocking changes... and yes, you're affected, unless you're of Mitt Romney's status.

First of all, ObamaCare promised to lower premiums for families.  Yahoo Finance reports that regulators will impose a 3.5% surcharge for insurance plans sold federally... not to mention over $60 in fees for people covered by their employers. 

Naturally, this could push millions off of their employer coverage. An estimated 20 million will lose their employer coverage thanks to ObamaCare.
Premiums will be increasingly more outrageous. We pay enough already - too much in most cases. Be prepared for an average increase in premiums of 169%.  Think you're paying a lot now? Wait until next year...

People will lose their jobs - exponentially more than they are now.  We're already experiencing a high number of layoffs and hiring freezes, but with rates increasing so drastically we'll see even more of this for sure.
The middle class are the ones who will be taxed... you know, the exact people who supposedly would be relieved to find tax cuts. An estimated $800 billion in tax hikes is not what I had in mind when it came to saving the middle class money... but hey, at least Mitt will be able to afford his health care, and his vacation house(s), and however many wives he has now.
Now don't get me wrong, I'm not a Republican but I'm not 100% behind Obama either. I don't even enjoy writing about politics, but has anyone else realized that this is absolutely insane?  Every 4 years we have two candidates who promise a, b and c... it sounds great... everything will improve.  In reality "z" is what happens... it's far from great, nothing gets better.
Let's play a game called government and politics... where every election year we'll see who the suckers vote in and we'll get that person to hike taxes on people who barely make enough money to live.  Then we can laugh at them while we sip brandy in million dollar suits and set hundred dollar bills on fire.
- Scrizzle

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