Tuesday, February 26, 2013

4 Friends Couples Should/Shouldn't Have

Contrary to popular belief (or hope), relationships take work. And the work I'm referring to is not the "how do I get her into bed" google search work... It's scary and it's hard. but remember a big factor in it - your friends have the ability to make or break your relationship. Some of you might welcome that, for everyone else here you go:

For starters, every couple needs (I use this term loosely as inevitably it won't be true for some couple out there...and for those I suggest our beerfest post) certain types of friends.

1. Double Daters - Typically all 4 parties involved here are good friends. You enjoy similar things and can see yourselves (notice that's plural) doing something crazy like going on vacation together...and yes, this is crazy because sometimes vacation turns into a survival situation...these are the people NOT annoying enough to eat (initially at least)!

2. Mentors - This is the couple you BOTH (again, plural) look up to.  They're people you can go to and say, "OMG, like, help he said hello to someone I don't like and now my life is over!" ...hopefully your mentors are strong enough to slap you in the face and pour you a bottle of wine if you say something like that. Aside from that they can help by saying, "We didn't kill each other when this happened to us, here's how..."

Next on our list... the toxic succubi you allow in your lives for some reason! These are the relationship breakers that no one needs. No, he/she doesn't suck that much...
3. The Lifetime Specials - Are you overly obsessed with drama and feel like the world revolves around your relationship? Then stay the hell away from me! Those who thrive on degrading sarcasm and cheating scandals only add stress.  Even if you're an over-used Lifetime actor, you don't get paid enough.... and you're not a therapist. If you were a therapist you would tell yourself to forget about them.

4. The Just Friends - ♫But you say he's just a friend... OHHH BABY YOU!!! ♪
Ah the ever-growing toxicity of "we're just friends"...and after allah knows how many years of this going on, you mean to tell me no one has figured out that this is a lying justification of stupidity? Allow me to take a step back - friends of the opposite sex are and SHOULD be allowed without worry. The problem arises when actions/words/texts need to be justified. If you're a person who has a friend like this where you wonder (or know) that your actions or words would make your significant other upset or distrust you..there's a reason and they probably should. If your significant other plans a lot of time with this "friend" when you're not around, or talks to them a lot when you're not around (remember this is a sketchy all day every day kinda thing), or hides things from you then this person is not a friend and should not be allowed to devour your soul.  Plain and simple. Swingers, please disregargd this entirely and go party!


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