Thursday, February 14, 2013

No Freakin' Way

Shocked George W. says, "WOOAAH! WTF"  

In an accidental internet adventure (which happens more than I, or anyone I know, would like to admit) I've come across a few crazily rediculous things that I hesitate to call inventions.  

 So this is a boob pillow and, yes apparently it exists. Initially I was going to make fun of this, especially since the pink in the middle almost reminds me of a nipple.  But on second thought, it actually looks kinda comfortable!  Then again I've never had whatever issue this is supposed to solve.  Sticky boob syndrome?  Can't decide on this one.

 Now that I've finally stopped laughing.... this is a dog butt hole cover.  I thought it was a sticker (which is somehow more ridiculous), but it's actually tied around the dog's tail. Butt holes are pretty gross and I know no one really wants to see them, but what if it has to poop!?  Besides, I don't know about everyone else's dog, but I'm sure mine would hate me for life even after ripping this thing up!

 Ok, WTF! Shoes are expensive, yes.  But if you know it's going to rain well enough in advance to get shoe umbrellas, maybe a different pair of shoes is in order! There are some pretty cute rain boots that not only look better but actually serve a purpose in rainy weather.

 This one is definitely my favorite and mainly because we're all a little lazy.  Why go to the gym when you can put a manhole cover on your stomach for a similar effect? Don't miss another episode of your favorite TV show! Just wear a grill grate! Who needs health when you can sit on the couch with 6 pack flab!?   ....ok ok I'm done.

- Scribble

** What are your thoughts on these silly things?  Have you ever used them or given them as gag gifts?  Are there others out there that you can't believe exist?  Share them with us!

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