Thursday, February 21, 2013

Beerfest Discovery!

Ahhh beer!  The college kid's substitute for water and food!  The adult's excuse for not going to the gym, not going to work, living with "what's-her-face", not feeding their kids...! It's delicious with everything from a great burger to soggy concert lawn seats in the rain with the weird ass smelly hippie puking on your shoulder. It makes women forget their standards, and men realize they never had any to begin with. It's most likely the number 1 cause of many disease epidemics like births, breakups and job losses... but it is loved unconditionally, irregardless, and that's more love than most people can get.

So you're probably thinking the same thing I was: beer couldn't possibly get any better. OHHHH contraire my hopp-addict....
ed friends!
There has been a discovery! A discovery? ....A DISCOVERY! During yet another Google mishap, a discovery has been made greater than those of Napoleon and Columbus combined (maybe not...)! A calendar...yes, twelve months filled with dates and locations of beer festivals worldwide. Across the globe... we could drink EVERYWHERE! Will take you to a land you may have never thought imaginable.  Where you can get a list of 29 festivals taking place just this weekend alone! That's 29 locations filled with drunk "what's-her-faces"! Or, 29 times you can forget the alcoholic you live with and treat yourself to a pampering vacation!

PS you can get this tshirt at

Along with the calendar there are some fun stories and beer reviews. But we're here to fest, how about you?

DISCLAIMER: We don't condone excessive alcoholism, cheating on your wife or random impregnation. Please fest responsibly :)

- Scrizzle

* Tell us what you think! Anyone ever been to a beer fest?*

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